Influence of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of mosquito larval habitats on the species composition and insecticide resistance of Anopheles gambiae sensu lacto in the cities of Bohicon and Parakou in Benin.

Donald HESSOU-DJOSSOU, Innocent DJÈGBÈ, Massioudou Koto Yerima Gounou BOUKARI, Odilon NONFODJI, Geneviève TCHIGOSSOU, Rousseau DJOUAKA, Sylvie CORNELIE, Martin AKOGBETO, Luc DJOGBENOU and Fabrice CHANDRE.

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 18, Number 3, June 2024, Pages 737-753. 9625-IJBCS

[Fulltext PDF] [DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijbcs.v18i3.1]

You are here: Home Previous issues 2024 Volume 18, Number 3, June 2024 Influence of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of mosquito larval habitats on the species composition and insecticide resistance of Anopheles gambiae sensu lacto in the cities of Bohicon and Parakou in Benin.